
Friday, September 28, 2012

Treasure Traitor Photo Shoot 1

So, since the cover doesn't have the main character on it, lots of people are asking me what she looks like (apart from the short description given in the book). I did a photo shoot recently to give you an idea...though keep in mind, this is me, not her. Rena is only sixteen (versus me being 26) would have darker skin and wear a blue zeeara, which is somewhat like a sari, only inverted. She also fights with two scimitars, not one. But this was the best I could do given the props I have to work with:

My first speaking engagement, at the Elm Creek Estates block party.  I'm actually talking about my trip to India, but I spoke about my book too.
Then I had some fun posing at my house:
 What sword?

Oh, this sword.
You're getting on my nerves.
You asked for it!

Going in for the kill.

On second thought, I'd better pray about this.
That's what I have so far. Stay tuned for more pics, updates, and events as we get closer to the release!


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